InMind Introduction
Who We Are
InMind is the human resources consulting company which invested by the World’s TOP 5, Chinese largest hedge fund. We are a professional head-hunting company based in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen with more than 100 professional consultants. Our management team is consisted of professional managers from the world's top human resources consulting company. We provide our customers with online and offline human resources solutions. We are specialized in auto, financial investment, banking, IT Internet, industrial, supporting function etc.
InMind aims to break traditional model and improve industrial efficiency by well understanding clients’ business needs, innovative business process, sophisticated recruitment system and independent evaluation tool.
Our Practices
Our specialization ensures that our clients get the dedicated resources with the right expertise. The core sectors which we focus on include:
Industry Practices
• Auto
• Industrial
• Financial Investment
• Banking
• IT Internet
1. 根据顾问对所在行业,公司以及职位的分析,参与制定目标候选人的寻访方案;
2. 进行相关侯选人资料的收集、分类、整理,对简历做初步筛选;
3. 通过各种渠道快速寻访候选人,进行初步面试和评估;
4. 提供候选人评价和推荐报告,向顾问推荐;
5. 沟通协调候选人与公司之间的面试安排,跟进进展并及时反馈;
6. 候选人背景调查,薪酬谈判,offer跟进,入职跟进等。
1. 全日制大学在校生,本科(大三、大四),研究生(研二、研三)均可,能保证每周三天出勤,实习期持续三个月及以上。
2. 热爱猎头行业,愿意在人力资源领域长期发展,;
3. 有一定的分析和判断力,较强的语言沟通表达能力,学习能力佳;
4. 目标意识明确,结果导向,自我激励,主动性强,具有强烈的上进心;
5. 善于与人沟通,有一定的客户服务意识;
6. 良好的团队协作意识;
7. 实习补贴:本科生100元/天,研究生120/天。
请直接发送简历至:oliviazhao@inmindglobal.com, 简历请注明应聘实习生。
InMind Introduction
Who We Are
InMind is the human resources consulting company which invested by the World’s TOP 5, Chinese largest hedge fund. We are a professional head-hunting company based in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen with more than 100 professional consultants. Our management team is consisted of professional managers from the world's top human resources consulting company. We provide our customers with online and offline human resources solutions. We are specialized in auto, financial investment, banking, IT Internet, industrial, supporting function etc.
InMind aims to break traditional model and improve industrial efficiency by well understanding clients’ business needs, innovative business process, sophisticated recruitment system and independent evaluation tool.
Our Practices
Our specialization ensures that our clients get the dedicated resources with the right expertise. The core sectors which we focus on include:
Industry Practices
• Auto
• Industrial
• Financial Investment
• Banking
• IT Internet
1. 根据顾问对所在行业,公司以及职位的分析,参与制定目标候选人的寻访方案;
2. 进行相关侯选人资料的收集、分类、整理,对简历做初步筛选;
3. 通过各种渠道快速寻访候选人,进行初步面试和评估;
4. 提供候选人评价和推荐报告,向顾问推荐;
5. 沟通协调候选人与公司之间的面试安排,跟进进展并及时反馈;
6. 候选人背景调查,薪酬谈判,offer跟进,入职跟进等。
1. 全日制大学在校生,本科(大三、大四),研究生(研二、研三)均可,能保证每周三天出勤,实习期持续三个月及以上。
2. 热爱猎头行业,愿意在人力资源领域长期发展,;
3. 有一定的分析和判断力,较强的语言沟通表达能力,学习能力佳;
4. 目标意识明确,结果导向,自我激励,主动性强,具有强烈的上进心;
5. 善于与人沟通,有一定的客户服务意识;
6. 良好的团队协作意识;
7. 实习补贴:本科生100元/天,研究生120/天。
请直接发送简历至:oliviazhao@inmindglobal.com, 简历请注明应聘实习生。