GONG Xiufang

Published:2023-03-09 Publisher:

GONG Xiufang

Academic Title: Associate Professor

Department: Department of Business Management

Office:Room 322, Block B, Building of SFB

Tel: +86 (0)21 6432 1815 (Xuhui Campus),

+86 (0)21 5712 3965 (Fengxian Campus)

E-mail: xiufang@shnu.edu.cn

Ms. GONG Xiufang, Associate Professor of the School of Finance and Business, Shanghai Normal University, and tutor for master’s-level students. She graduated from the Department of Mathematics of East China Normal University with a bachelor's degree in mathematics with a Master's Degree in probability theory and mathematical statistics. She joined Shanghai Normal University in July 1985 and has been engaged in teaching and management for a long time. She is now the deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Finance and Business at Shanghai Normal University. She has participated in projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation, Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project, and key curriculum project of the Municipal Education Commission. The main course 'Statistics' she teaches won the key curriculum project of the Municipal Education Commission. Over the years, she has published more than 20 journal papers of various kinds, and 8 textbooks and auxiliary textbooks on advanced mathematics, statistics, statistical analysis and SPSS application, social survey. She lectures courses such as Statistical Analysis and SPSS Application, Statistics, Business and Economic Statistics, and Advanced Mathematics for postgraduate and undergraduate students.

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